Retour à la programmation
mardi 28 mai  |  de 11:30 à 12:15

1:1 Conversations that Make Work D.O.P.E.

Cette conférence sera donnée en anglais.


The most important conversations about your career happen in your 1:1 (One on One meeting) between you and your manager.

Or at least they should. In an effective 1:1 you and your lead prioritise and untangle the topics that will have the most positive impact on how you work and how you show up. But many of us miss the fact that a 1:1 is more than just a meeting. It is one of the few vital tools that you and your manager can use to unblock your career progress and unlock your potential.

In this talk we'll discover what makes a 1:1 effective, along with some traps to avoid. We'll explore a framework for understanding, prioritising, and discussing your needs (even if you find it difficult). 1:1s are about you, and for you and your career. Let's learn to use them well.

La conférence est présentée par Farai Madzima.

Compétences transversales
Salle 1 Cossette

Farai MadzimaUX ManagerShopify

Farai Madzima Coaches People Managers who want to have critical 1:1 conversations but don’t have the confidence or skills to do this well. He also works as a UX Manager at Shopify in Ottawa, Canada. Before that while living in South Africa, Farai designed banking apps used by many across the continent. He grappled with unique design challenges because most internet users have never used a laptop or desktop. And some buy data by the megabyte. Farai likes words in all languages, township jazz, nerdy hip-hop, and the number 127.