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mardi 28 mai  |  de 11:30 à 12:15

Building productive AIs with your documents - Done right

Cette conférence sera donnée en anglais.


Sooner or later, businesses will enable employees to interact with internal documentation through an AI overlay (Retrieval Augmented Generation). While it sounds (deceptively) as simple as "upload documents as embedding behind an OpenAI key," it's not. As shown by multiple interactions we've had with startups and mature businesses who have already worked on this, pulling code from GitHub and plugging an LLM API key is not the part that truly matters, And it's the only part that's fun. Gabriel will share the lessons from building a unified retrieval engine scaled on millions of documents, helping through multiple use cases and how to leverage existing technologies best to create a PoC while being cognizant of downstream technological invisibilities. Participants will gain insightful clues to help them better map out any RAG projects.

La conférence est présentée par Gabriel Lespérance.

Salle 3 Axeptio

Gabriel LespéranceCOO/CTOTrampoline AI

Gabriel was co-founder and CTO of WAVO.ME, a marketing analytics solution catering to all the big musical labels in the world, such as Sony, Universal, and Warner... Now co-cofounder of, he's pushing the engineering envelope of what can be done to put AI to productive use, at scale, on millions of business documents. Together with his co-founder, he won the Quebec Innovation Award and was a finalist for NextAI's 2023 alumni.