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mercredi 16 juin  |  de 09:00 à 09:40

JTBD for PM : Finding Opportunities for Customer-centered Growth

JTBD, c'est grosso modo «les tâches qu'il y a à faire». En comprenant mieux les JTBD, on peut mieux servir le client. (Conférence en anglais seulement) 

The concept of jobs to be done (JTBD) provides a lens to understand the people you serve. You’re probably familiar with the basic principle of JTBD: people “hire” products and services to accomplish an objective. Understanding these objectives helps to increase the chance that users will adopt your solution and make it part of their work and daily lives.

This talk will first describe the concept of JTBD and then highlight some specific techniques that are directly relevant for Product Managers, including job maps and job stories. The concepts will be brought to life with examples and case studies. 

JTBD is ultimately a way to frame problems independent of solutions, providing key inputs into product development activities. Find out how you can shift your perspective and learn a new way of seeing the people in the markets you serve.

La session de Jim Kalbach est présentée en anglais. 

Communication & marketing

Jim KalbachCheif EvangelistMURAL

Jim Kalbach is a noted author, speaker, and instructor in design, customer experience, and strategy. He is currently Chief Evangelist at MURAL, the leading online whiteboard. Jim is the author of three books: “Designing Web Navigation” (O’Reilly, 2007), “Mapping Experiences” (O’Reilly, 2016), and most recently “The Jobs To Be Done Playbook” (Rosenfeld, 2020). He is also the Co-founder and Principal at the JTBD Toolkit, an online resource with learning, trainings, and content. Jim blogs at and tweets under @jimkalbach.