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mercredi 29 mai  |  de 10:15 à 11:00

The Secret Mechanisms of CSS

Cette conférence sera donnée en anglais.


CSS can sometimes feel like a very inconsistent language. Sometimes, a snippet we've used dozens of times before will surprise us by doing something totally different!

It turns out, there's a lot going on under the hood. CSS is a collection of complex layout algorithms, with all sorts of hidden mechanisms and implicit behaviours. When we take the time to learn how CSS works, the language starts to make a lot more sense, and the unpleasant surprises become much less common.

In this talk, we'll dig into common misunderstandings about CSS, and see if we can fill in some gaps in our mental model of the language.

La conférence est présentée par Josh Comeau.

Salle 1 Cossette

Josh ComeauFounderCSS for JavaScript Developer

Josh is a software developer from Montreal who has worked for organizations like DigitalOcean, Khan Academy, and Unsplash. These days, he teaches web development online to over 20,000 developers.